My little Bee caused some trouble. She was 10 days overdue, and my doctor wanted me to go another 2 weeks before my next appointment, which caused me to break down in tears, and my hubby to darn near strangle the doctor. Once we got the induction scheduled, I felt a lot better. We were told to call the hospital at 6 to make sure they'd have a room for us, which they did. We go in at 8, I get strapped with the IV and the pitocin and the monitors and all that fun stuff. Pitocin didn't kick in for a while so they up it. A few hours later the anesthesiologist comes in for the epi, and leaves. Once the epi kicked in, they had to shut it off. I went numb from the chin down, and got ice cold. I wasn't dilating much either. They come back in, turn everything off, and wait for my body to "wake back up". Contractions pick back up, but baby's heart rate drops with each one, so they rush to get the doctor, and break my water. They had to put the little monitor on the baby's head to monitor her, but they didn't get it in the right spot, and it stuck to me too. Now I'm laying there in the bed, strapped to an IV, the epi hose still in my back, monitors everywhere, can't move, can't eat, can't drink, catheter in, baby is STUCK, whole 9, and labor slows AGAIN. Fever set in, so they were getting ready to prep me for an emergency c-section. Thankfully I had a smart nurse who remembered my epi was turned OFF, and she let me get up in my bed, and lean over the head, which caused Bailey to drop like she should have much earlier. Not long after that, we were welcoming her stubborn behind into the world with big fat doses of antibiotics for both of us. Chorioamnionitis is NO FUN! We found out shortly after birth she has a heart murmur too. Labor took 20 hours from start to finish. But now she's 8 months old, the size of a 12-15 month old, and is getting smarter everyday!"
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