Dates and numbers:
There are 42 days until your due date on November 03, 2011.
You are 238 days pregnant.
You are 7.8 months pregnant.
You are in your 8th month of pregnancy.
Your 1st trimester: January 27, 2011 to April 27, 2011. (0 - 12 weeks)
Your 2nd trimester: April 28, 2011 to August 10, 2011. (13 - 27 weeks)
Your 3rd trimester: August 11, 2011 to November 03, 2011. (28 - 40 weeks)
Your baby weighs about 4.4 pounds at this point. The crown-to-rump length of your baby is approximately 12 inches and the total length is around 19.4 inches. Measuring from the top of your uterus to your bellybutton is 5.2 inches. Total weight gain at this point of pregnancy is usually 22 to 28 pounds.
With the exception of crying, your baby is capable of doing everything that a newborn baby will do. Your baby is restricted now inside of the uterus, but still can kick and move. Your baby sleeps a lot of the time, just as newborn babies do. Your baby's eyes move in the manner of REM sleep and researchers believe that babies can dream vividly in uterus. When your baby is awake, she is listening, feeling and learning. There are billions of neurons in the brain that make trillions of connections. Your baby will probably have settled into the birth position by now and your caregiver can most likely tell which way your baby is presenting. If your baby were to be born now, the lungs would probably be strong enough to function properly, but your baby may still need extra care from specially trained doctors and nurses.
During these last few weeks of pregnancy, most women experience an increased urge to urinate. The uterus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder and can send you to the restroom frequently. Your uterus has actually grown 500 times throughout your pregnancy! Red blood cell production catches up with the production of plasma and physiological anemia may begin to fade at this time.
Your baby's eyes open during alert times and close during sleep. The eye color is usually blue, regardless of the permanent color as pigmentation is not fully developed. The final formation of eye pigmentation requires exposure to light and usually happens a few weeks after birth.
Above taken from
Today we are 33 weeks 6 days. 6 short weeks and it will be my due date. Not that this means much, we all know they're just "estimates". Skyler went a week over hers.
Ross and I decided to change the baby's name again. Her name will be Bailey Isabella Chamberlin. We wanted to go with something WE like, not based on the opinions and input from everyone else. I got tired of hearing "I don't like it", or "why don't you pick ----".
I have been experiencing cramping and back pain for two days now, but I'm not in labor yet. This is just the beginning. The baby feels like she is going to be a big baby. I can feel her from under my ribs, down to my pelvis. I do not know as of yet if she is head down. She's fairly active. Yesterday at our doctor appointment we had to do a Non Stress Test (NST) due to low heartbeat and decreased fetal movement. I was terrified. I thought something was wrong with my baby. I know what it's like to lose a pregnancy early on, I do not want to find out what it's like to lose a pregnancy so close to delivering, or deliver a "sleeping" baby. I have gone through so much in this pregnancy. I have been reunited with family members, I have gained new friends, lost a few "friends", Skyler started pregnancy, Ross and I are a lot closer in our relationship, and I feel like a lot of it has to be because of the baby. I call her my special baby. Not because there's anything wrong with her, but just because of everything that has happened.
We had family pictures done. I had won a portrait package from Wal-Mart, and they turned out very well. Corona was with us as well. They are "true" family pictures.
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